Sunday, August 10, 2014

Vintage Style Mannequin Pillow For this Autumn 2014

I've been really into Mannequin icon for the last few months.
I looked for different mannequin design a lot and cut paper pattern with many different kinds of design paper and fabric.
When I get to like something I immediately fall into love with it.
This might be the way of my addiction. 
I don't smoke, not enjoying drinks, maybe a little bit girly cocktail only, I don't play games.
I only do handcrafting and searching for my recent addictions.
Oh I drink coffee a lot, I mean a looot!!

I finally organized some of my fabric mannequin cuts and hand-appliqued
 and hand-embroidered in the center.
This made a vintage style pillow case.
 Pillow case design is my all time favorite quilt project.
I'm going to make  more similar design of this.
This will sell on my Etsy shop 
as a custom order and DIY Instructions

When I get to make enough similar design , they will be made to miniature quilt and wall hanging quilt.
I love this as much as my heart collection.
3 cute pink design is  already made.
You can see one of them behind the mannequin pillow.
That will be my new generation heart pillow collection for little girls.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I haven't done bogging for a while .
      Guess it's time to start again
